“…i feel like a moth and you are an irresistible bonfire, and i hardly know you…”




A winged sunset flutters, drawn 

toward the lamp behind me.


Addled by errant desire 

it bumps my knee, 

leaves a smudge of moonlight.


Recovering, the moth drunkenly swoons toward the glow 


heavy-winged and awkward, 

a novice angel.


Now stained glass before the light 

it feather-drums the lampshade,




delirious with longing.  


Copyright (c) Anne Yohn2003. All rights reserved. 

4 Responses to ““…i feel like a moth and you are an irresistible bonfire, and i hardly know you…””

  1. S Says:

    did someone make this declaration to you?

  2. Rachel Says:

    uh huh

  3. s Says:

    that’s quite an attraction (not surprising given the recipient) – is it the person who attacked your feet of clay?

  4. Rachel Says:


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