Dirty Mistresses

Watching Gray’s Anatomy just out of casual boredom and not ready to open my new novel and it’s an episode where the very hot doctor shows up from the recent past – Mark – who had an affair with his best friend and colleague’s wife – he said his $400/hour therapy taught him that under his rugged, self-confident exterior – he learned inside he is filled with self-loathing and self-deception and that he has a pathological capacity for destruction. [Crush or fade?]

When asked why his wife cheated – was it because you didn’t have children? Husband says, I don’t know. Maybe I was an absent husband.

Wife said, “We were all good friends.”

Wife asks Mark why he has come back, Mark says, “I miss you.”

Side conversation, “The beast within has been awakened.”

Mark says, “How can you forgive her and not me” to husband. [Question?]

Mark in bar waiting for wife, “What if just this once the universe came down on the side of the dirty mistress?”

Narrator: Like children we never give up hope.

Fiction, nonfiction, so it goes, art mirrors life, and sometimes reality is more bizarre than fiction. “No one knows all.”

One Response to “Dirty Mistresses”

  1. S Says:

    Editor alert – “boredom” mispelled in first sentence.

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